Harley in New York City

Visiting NYC was so much fun! Besides the Today Show and HuffPost LIVE, we got to spend a little time at the Hallmark Channel and meet many of the people who worked there. Hallmark flew us to New York and provided us a beautiful hotel room and Harley was treated like royalty! Everywhere we went he was noticed and he loved the attention! In the first photo below, a family visiting from London spotted Harley and we spent some time talking with them. Harley was an ambassador, always keeping the dogs suffering in puppy mills in the forefront of his mind … he was on a mission, and he knew it!

Harley in NYC IMG_3489 IMG_3448 IMG_3573

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  1. I love best the butt shot of the little Hogster in the makeup mirror. Well love the best…it’s actually all of the Harley pictures I have ever seen.


  2. I love you Harley & miss you so much.i know you are having a great time at the Rainbow Bridge & will always be with your family in spirit.<3


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