Harley and Sunshine

In this photo Harley was concerned about “Sunshine” – we had just rescued her from a puppy mill and she was very nervous. This was her first time on grass and it was scary for her. Harley was kind and understanding. He knew when a fellow canine needed his love.

We ended up fostering Sunshine for a few months and she eventually found the most wonderful home in Michigan where she became Princess Ava Bisou with her own Facebook page!

Harley personally went on many puppy mill rescue missions (with National Mill Dog Rescue) and saved 700 dogs along with his best buddy, Teddy. The funds that made these rescues possible came from YOU, his fans, friends and supporters. You can learn more about ‘Harley to the Rescue’ here.

Harley and Sunshine


  1. Another beautiful piece of precious HARLEY’s story…
    I cherish reading them..
    and share them all..

    Thank you, Rudi and Dan, for sharing these with us ♥ ♥


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