Making Up For Lost Time

Harley loved being cradled like a baby!  He loved being held and he loved being carried.  From the moment he was rescued, he craved attention.  Harley would happily let almost anyone hold him, and he would snuggle right in.  After spending 10 years in a cage … Harley had a lot of lost time to make up for!  (and he made sure he did that)

Harley cradle like a baby


  1. As he had every right to ♡ and what no better family to have that with, you 3 were definitely meant to come together. Amazing how he did that so quickly.. so resilient Unforgiving
    such a powerful message if only some people would stop, and listen they could learn so much.♡
    Thank you Harley miss you little guy♡♡


  2. I love this picture, he sure was loving and he deserved to be loved and treated like a prince. You and Dan were great parents and he definitely was a mommas boy. I love and miss him. Thank you for sharing this sweet photo and story, I love seeing them and hearing his stories. God Bless you both and Harley!


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