100,000 STRONG Against Puppy Mills

As I sit here and reflect with wonder and amazement on the last five years – and what my simple idea of a Facebook page for Harley has become – I can scarcely believe it.

Today Harley’s Facebook page reached 100,000 “likes”. What an amazing milestone! But the fact is, because of YOU we have actually reached millions of people around the world with the message about puppy mills. It’s YOUR support, likes, comments and shares that have made Harley’s Facebook page so successful … YOU consistently kept his page’s “engagement” very high. Many of Harley’s posts have reached as many as 500,000 people, and a few have reached more than 1 million. Astounding! Without passionate, dedicated fans, this could not have happened. YOUR role in this is most significant. Dan and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And we know Harley thanks you, too.

– Rudi & Dan, Harley’s tremendously proud parents

Harley 100,000 strong

Follow Harley’s Facebook page here: www.facebook.com/harleyfreighttraintaylor

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