A Poem For Harley


How can one describe you
How can one convey
Oh can one please tell me
Tell me the words to say.

For simple words escape me
The verbiage, so weak
So how can one describe you
Our efforts would be weak.

You provided freedom
To hundreds of innocent souls
You provided comfort
You met them one and all.

You told them all would be ok
You told them you’d been there too
You told them about a good life ahead
You told them what to do.

And now, sweet warrior
We carry on in your name
We carry on for you dear man
Until they all go by name.

R.M. Littleton




  1. Lovely words..I sent a stone to Harley today..it’s from England..where we say ‘puppy farms’ to make it sound nicer,,don’t worry ..the fight is the same : ) .. hope it arrives soon..I wrote a poem for Lily and sent it. to Theresa.I don’t mind that it was passed over..writing it was enough.. puppy mill animals are always in my heart.. nI have 2 of my own…big love…always


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