No Foot Is Too Small

“There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.”

The photos below were taken in December 2015. We were driving from Palm Beach to Vero Beach for a Meet & Greet, and of course Harley wanted to stop to visit the beach along the way!  It was a very special day.

Harley on the beach in Florida

Harley on the beach in Florida

Harley beach florida dec 2015 (4)

Harley on the beach in FloridaHarley on the beach in Florida



  1. These pictures break my heart. I love Harley with all of my being. Go little man… run with the tide.


  2. Looking at his crippled little hind legs and back, my heart breaks for all the dogs still suffering at the hands of creatures I cannot think of as human. Looking into his one gentle, loving eye, I hope for a future without puppy mills and other forms of cruelty.


  3. Harley was a brave little man for the 10 years he was in the puppy mill and his legacy will go on..


  4. Thank you guys for giving Harley such a wonderful life after such a terrible one. And thank you for all you have done and still do for our wonderful dogs out there I think you are amazing. God Bless you . XXXOXXX ❤ 💜 💛


  5. What a lucky boy you were, you have seen more and have been in more places than most Humans will ever go their entire lives…including me.Luv ya bunches little man😍❤❤


  6. He was a gift to the world!! We miss you so much Harley!! You left a legacy never to be forgotten. #HarleysDream. 😪❤❤❤


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