Without You

A while back, Aubrie Kavanaugh of Paws4Change asked us to make a video clip of Dan slow dancing with Harley. So we made the video and she used it in a project she developed for National Mill Dog Rescue using a Martin Page song called “I Can’t Get There Without You.” This particular video is one of two that we submitted to Aubrie. Can you tell how much Dan loved his boy?

You can watch “Without You” here:

Watch “Without You” on YouTube at this link.


  1. The message is so beautiful. Thank you for this video. When it got to Harley and Dan I burst out in boo hoos. Truly tears, sobs, bawling. I showed it to Bill and and cried again. Then I was talking about it with Bill and again I was just full of tears again.
    Truly, yes, Dan loved that little man so much. I can’t imagine how empty his arms feel now.


  2. what a powerful message – shared the youtube version so all can see how wonderful it is – #HarleysDream


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