1. “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” ~ Anatole France

    So loved forever are you, precious Harley ♥♥



  2. There are good ppl Harley. A lot of animal lovers that want to help those animals in need. I hate to see any animal abused. I’m very outspoken on my views on it. I don’t like to see dogs chained up. Harley you let the world see the horrors of puppy mills. Mom & Dad will continue with your campaign to end those torture chambers as I call them. Many ppl want these places shut down for good. They should be illegal!! On with the fight Harley!! #HarleysDream


  3. i would like this post but I can’t remember my password – LOL – but I do like it and Harley has made me a better person as well


  4. Awe, Harley taught us all about how goodness, love and kindness do exist. Harley always managed to make my tough days better whenever I saw a post or one of his videos days like today make it hard so I go and look at his page and smile i sure miss him too!!!!!


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