Harley Loved Bananas

This photo of Harley and his dad was taken one week ago on Harley’s 15th birthday – 5 year “gotcha” day. It was a great day. He loved scrambled eggs, so that’s what he ate for breakfast. He hung out with his sisters and they all napped in the sunshine, he rode in the car to the post office to get his birthday mail, he wore his special 15th birthday shirt, he went out for dinner with mom & dad and then he got to go to Starbucks for a puppaccino. It was a low-key, very special, happy day. Harley was feeling great, being his demanding little self … begging to be held, giving kisses, and just generally … loving life.

Harley and his banana


  1. Harley finally had the love he deserved.. and you made that happen! We all loved him! And what he gave back.. amazing!! What a BIG heart!!


  2. I miss Harley so much.I looked forward to seeing him everyday.He will always be in my heart.love you all.Happy Easter.


  3. We love them so very much and they are gone too soon from our lives leaving only joyous memories. But oh the memories.


  4. I love you always, precious HARLEY ♥..
    You are such an important little angel ♥..
    You have made SUCH a huge difference in SO MANY lives ♥


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