Imperfectly Perfect

Harley touched lives. Every story is unique and every story touches our hearts, and some even bring tears. The following was shared with us by a “perfectly” wonderful friend of Harley’s:

“I am just an imperfect old man that at one time had just about given up. I really don’t even remember how I found Harley’s Facebook page. I am all about educating on puppy mills, adoptions, fosters and rescues. I even do transports from time to time. People still ridicule me and ask why a broke down old man with no life would do such a thing. Why I post so much about dogs. When I was at a bad time in my life was when I found Harley. But Harley wasn’t just a ‘dog’. It’s kind of hard to explain to people that don’t have dogs. Harley will always be my Super Hero and I can honestly say that I owe him my life for that.” -John



  1. Wow! This is so beautiful! John, you are an inspiration. Harley touched all types of humans. He was a little dog with a big dream. He made things happen and will continue to do so! He is my Hero too.

    Sent from my iPad



  2. Harley makes you want to help free all the dogs in puppy mills. I love you Harley always!! Bless you in Heaven!! Your Dream lives on!! #HarleysDream ❤❤❤


  3. What a powerful testament to the inspiration Harley brings to each of us to do our very best to make a difference in some small way. He may be gone from us but his legacy lives on and I, for one, am more committed than ever to ending the mill industry. Thanks to John for sharing this with all of us. I am inspired.


  4. That is so true about Harley. He gave, and continues to give, hope for all of us.
    When I start complaining about something, I think of what Harley went through and it makes me grateful for everything I have.
    Thank you little Angel, and Rudi and Dan for allowing his memory and cause to continue on for all of us.❤️❤️❤️


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