A Tribute by David Dubnow

This beautiful tribute was written by David Dubnow:

“He was called many things. Puppy mill survivor, rescuer, American Hero Dog, pet, family member, friend. I called him my little warrior. He could have just given up. He could have died in that bucket they threw him in. With the years of abuse, the physical ailments he had because of it, nobody would have blamed him if he just let go. But he had something all of us need. A purpose to live. A determination that his life should matter. His sheer will combined with the overwhelming love provided by his family and all that he touched gave him incredible strength. He triumphed over the odds. He shared the power of pure love and spirit In action. I miss Harley. Like we all do. But equally, I miss a soul that had found and achieved its goal in this life. May we all be so fortunate. With love.”

Harley the Hero by Shelley Allen

This beautiful picture was created by Shelley Allen.


  1. Simply beautiful…

    My tears fall…

    I will love you always, sweet Harley..

    I will always support Harley’s Dream ♥♥


  2. Beautiful – Harley was truly loved- near, and afar. Love the picture-captures “the feeling ” we all feel


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